
Project NameExtendable Orbit System 3D
Development 2017 —
Language Python
GitHub Link EOS3D

The eos3d library is a lightweight orbital mechanics calculation and visualization suite based on matplotlib (eos3d-mpl) and VTK (eos3d). It includes orbit visualization, SPACETRACK Two-Line Element retrieval and current satellite position visualization, Solar System orbits and planetary position visualizations and real-time n-body simulations.

Future Work

Currently a VTK/vispy-based implementation of eos3d is in development, which will allow for high-quality interactive orbit visualization. Additionaly, high-fidelity positioning of celestial bodies will be enabled using NASA's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility) CSPICE kernels and JPL's DE430 ephemeris. Moreover, efficient n-body propagation is planned in the future, as well output of porkchop plots and the like. Please consult the documentation for further details.


The documentation of eos3d-mpl may be downloaded via the following link: documentation.


Space Debris
Space debris visualization using SPACETRACK data and SPG4 propagation.
Molniya Orbit
Molniya orbit visualization, with velocity gradient.
Solar System and Ulysses Orbit
Solar System and Ulysses orbit visualization.
Lunar Trajectory
N-body propagation of an Apollo 11-like lunar rendezvous.
Falcon 9 Rocket Bodies
Falcon 9 rocket body orbits and positions.
Lunar Trajectory
Mars Reconaissance Orbiter & Mars Express orbits as of March 13, 2018.