About Me

About me

Who am I?

I’m Hamza, a postdoctoral research associate with a PhD in Aerospace Engineering. I’m passionate about all things that related to control theory, with a drive to apply my knowledge to solve problems in robotics, optics, and healthcare. One of my longstanding research goals lies in enabling safe autonomous robotic surgical interventions, and much of my PhD research and current work stands in service of this.

I like tinkering around with hardware and code to see if my ideas are actually capable of holding water in reality (check out the projects tab for more on that). That’s where I feel my drive lies—bringing theory and practice together, regardless of what their original applications may be.

When I’m not doing research, I like to hike and work on my coding projects, as well as bouldering or practicing jiujitsu.

Hamza El-Kebir Fig.: Me