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Huidige projecten
A light-weight web-based game engine for 3D turn-based strategy games
- Language: Haxe/Kha
- License: TBD
- Status: In active development
C++ digital guidance, navigation and control framework
Lodestar provides a user friendly platform-agnostic framework for real-time linear control of dynamic systems.
- Language: C++14
- License: MIT
- Status: In active development
The Lodestar framework consists of several templates that allow for control of linear discrete time systems. The following features are implemented:
- Discrete-time linear time invariant systems modeling and control:
- Template-based object oriented framework for arbitrary finite dimensional linear systems
- Linear Quadratic Regulation (LQR)
- Linear Quadratic Estimation/Classical Kalman Filter (LQE/KF)
Planned features
The following capabilities are planned for Lodestar in the near future:
- Continuous to discrete time zero-order hold conversion
- Recursive algebraic Riccati equation (ARE) solver
- Recursive Least Squares (RLS) system identification
- Single-input single-output (SISO) Generalized Predictive Control (GPC)
- Spatial value functions (SVF) based guidance and path planning [1]
- Real-time plotting and performance evaluation (impulse, unit step repsonse, Bode/Nyquist plots) frontend
- Google Protocol Buffers-based message passing interface for real-time logging and command
- I/O interface for common sensors (e.g., IMUs, barometers, time-of-flight sensors) and servos (e.g., solenoids, brushless DC motors).
- Lodestar is powered by:
- Eigen:
- neither:
- Related projects:
- SLICOT (Subroutine Library in Systems and Control Theory):
- Control Toolbox:
[1] Mettler, B., Dadkhah, N., and Kong, Z. “Agile Autonomous Guidance Using Spatial Value Functions.” Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 18, No. 7, 2010, pp. 773–788. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2010.02.013.
Voorgaande projecten
Extendible Orbit System 3D (EOS3D)
Lightweight orbital mechanics calculation and visualization suite based on matplotlib
- Language: Python
- License: MIT
- Status: Suspended
The eos3d library is a lightweight orbital mechanics calculation and visualization suite based on matplotlib. It includes orbit visualization, SPACETRACK Two-Line Element retrieval and current satellite position visualization, Solar System orbits and planetary position visualizations and real-time n-body simulations.
The documentation of eos3d-mpl may be downloaded via the following link: documentation.